The Importance of Dental Exams and Teeth Cleaning

The Importance of Dental Exams and Teeth Cleaning

December 1, 2021

When was your last visit to your dentist for an exam and teeth cleaning? Most people routinely visit dentists for exams and cleanings once a year which even the CDC considers as sufficient so long as people are not at risk of dental problems. However, the CDC recommends the dentist at Harriston Family Dentistry schedule you for exams and cleanings because dentists have intricate knowledge about your oral health.

Have we made you wonder what is the importance of dental exams and teeth cleaning? If so, we provide all information you want in this article on why six-monthly visits to your dentist are essential to keep your oral and overall health in optimal condition. We suggest you continue reading this article to learn more about the importance of visiting your dentist merely for exams and cleanings.

Why Are Dental Exams Important?

Dental exams every six months are incredibly essential and a crucial part of preventive healthcare. Dentists evaluate your risks of developing oral problems during dental exams by checking your face, neck, and mouth for anomalies. Dental exams may also include x-rays and other diagnostic procedures.

Dental exams every six months help protect your oral and overall health. For example, indications and symptoms of certain systemic diseases like rheumatoid authorities, diabetes, and lupus initially display themselves in your mouth. If your dentist discovers any infections or illnesses, they suggest you see your primary healthcare provider. In addition, dental exams enable the dentist an opportunity to provide tips on caring for your teeth and detect oral health issues early when treating them is comfortable and delivers better outcomes.

Dental exams are crucial for everyone, including children and people with no teeth in their mouths. People without teeth must continue visiting their dentist to maintain their oral health and its usefulness for replacement teeth.

The exam also enables your dentist to look for severe conditions like oral cancer when checking your entire oral cavity because looking for suspicious red and white patches, sores, and lesions that might turn critical if not attended and treated when detected. Of course, an examination for cancer does not mean you are affected by a severe problem. However, it is a preventive measure to ensure your mouth is healthy and free from unnecessary complications.

Is Teeth Cleaning Necessary?

If you think teeth cleaning is unnecessary, you are in for a surprise when you visit the dental practice mentioned above for your six-month visit. Despite maintaining excellent dental hygiene as directed by your dentist, the teeth cleaning will expose some deficiencies that can make you think about changing your oral hygiene routine.

When cleaning your teeth, the dental hygienist examines your teeth and gums, looking for signs of tooth decay and cavities. Dental hygienists use small instruments like mirrors and scalers to look behind your teeth for plaque and tartar buildup, which they find even if you maintain excellent dental hygiene. Plaque and tartar are the leading causes of tooth decay and gum disease and constantly develop in your mouth regardless of how diligently to clean your teeth at home.

The dental hygienist removes all plaque and tartar on your teeth and below the gum line scraping it away to eliminate the problem-causing substances from your mouth. Immediately after plaque and tartar removal, the hygienist brushes your teeth with gritty toothpaste to remove any leftover plaque between your teeth from the initial cleaning. The dentist uses an electric toothbrush that makes uncomfortable sounds. However, it is an excellent method to polish your teeth and give you gleaming white teeth and fresh breath.

Dental exams and cleanings service also makes available a flossing demonstration to make sure you are using this tool appropriately. You may think the demonstration is unnecessary if you floss your teeth at home every day. However, it is an excellent method to let the hygienist get deep between your gums to locate problem areas where you might bleed when brushing and flossing. Finally, you receive a fluoride treatment as a preventive measure against cavities. You should get this fluoride treatment every few months.

What after Dental Exams and Cleanings

After dental exams and cleanings, your dentist and hygienist will discuss your oral health and your risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and any other oral problems and recommend preventive measures to help you improve your health. The professionals also recommend a follow-up visit if you are at high risk of dental infections.

You must consider your dental exams and cleanings as an essential preventive health measure to provide freedom from dental or overall health complications. In addition, an hour spent with the dentist attending these appointments leaves you with peace of mind knowing your dental health is in excellent condition and will likely not cause any concerns in the immediate future. Isn’t that wonderful?